Does OneUp support Instagram Stories and Facebook Stories? Can I schedule an Instagram Story?
Yes, OneUp supports DIRECT POSTING of Instagram Stories and Facebook Stories 😊
NOTE: Direct posting of Instagram Stories is only supported for Business or Creator Instagram accounts. For Personal Instagram accounts, Instagram Stories can be posted via mobile notifications.
TIP: OneUp also supports direct posting of Instagram Reels and Facebook Reels as well
To schedule an Instagram Story or Facebook Story, check the Instagram Story and/or Facebook Story box when creating a post:

You can add up to 10 images at the same time, and if you have multiple Instagram accounts and/or Facebook Pages, you can post your Story to multiple Instagram accounts and Facebook Pages at the same time.
Then choose when you want to schedule this Story:

For Business and Creator Instagram accounts, your Instagram Story will publish directly! 🤓 (no additional action required)
(Or if you want to post Stories with links and stickers to a Business or Creator account)
If you chose the "mobile notification" option when connecting your Instagram account, when the scheduled time comes, you will receive a notification on your phone about your Instagram Story being ready.
Tap that notification, and your Story will open in the OneUp mobile app:

Click "Share this on Instagram" and your image or video will open in Instagram.
Choose the "Story" option:

Then click the "Your Story" option:

That's it! Your Instagram Story is now posted 😊
Sometimes iOS has issues with maintaining the order of videos, so it sometimes will open the Story creator with the wrong video.
In this case, just close out of Instagram, then open it back up and create a Story (from the "⊕" option") and then add your correct video which was saved to your phone's gallery.
Click here for the main Instagram account connection guide.
NOTE: Direct posting of Instagram Stories is only supported for Business or Creator Instagram accounts. For Personal Instagram accounts, Instagram Stories can be posted via mobile notifications.
TIP: OneUp also supports direct posting of Instagram Reels and Facebook Reels as well
To schedule an Instagram Story or Facebook Story, check the Instagram Story and/or Facebook Story box when creating a post:

You can add up to 10 images at the same time, and if you have multiple Instagram accounts and/or Facebook Pages, you can post your Story to multiple Instagram accounts and Facebook Pages at the same time.
Then choose when you want to schedule this Story:

For Business and Creator Instagram accounts, your Instagram Story will publish directly! 🤓 (no additional action required)
For Personal Instagram accounts:
(Or if you want to post Stories with links and stickers to a Business or Creator account)
If you chose the "mobile notification" option when connecting your Instagram account, when the scheduled time comes, you will receive a notification on your phone about your Instagram Story being ready.
Tap that notification, and your Story will open in the OneUp mobile app:

Click "Share this on Instagram" and your image or video will open in Instagram.
Choose the "Story" option:

Then click the "Your Story" option:

That's it! Your Instagram Story is now posted 😊
I'm on an iPhone, and it's opening my Story with the wrong video?
Sometimes iOS has issues with maintaining the order of videos, so it sometimes will open the Story creator with the wrong video.
In this case, just close out of Instagram, then open it back up and create a Story (from the "⊕" option") and then add your correct video which was saved to your phone's gallery.
Click here for the main Instagram account connection guide.
Updated on: 12/31/2024
Thank you!