How do repeating posts work?
Repeating posts will automatically repeat based on the options you select.
For posts that have a daily interval set, the post will repeat at the same time as the original. Example: Today at 11am, tomorrow at 11am, the next day at 11am... until you cancel or the post expires.
For posts that have a weekly interval set, the post will repeat at the same time and same day of the week as the original. Example: This Friday, next Friday, the following Friday, etc.
For posts that have a monthly interval set, the post will repeat at the same time and same day of the month as the original. Example: May 12th, June 12th, July 12th, etc.
For posts set to repeat yearly, the post will repeat on the same exact day as the previous year. Example: Jan 15th 2022, Jan 15th 2023, Jan 15th 2024, etc.
For repeating "Event" or "Offer" Google My Business posts, the dates of the repeat Event or Offer instances will occur at the repeat interval you choose.

For example, let's say you post an Event post on June 1st, but the Event dates are June 10th - 11th, and the post is set to repeat weekly.
In this scenario, the next time the post will publish will be on June 8th, however the next Event dates would be June 17th - 18th.
Another example, let's say you post an Offer post on August 21st, but the Offer dates are August 25th - 30th, and the post is set to repeat monthly.
In this scenario, the next time the post will publish will be on September 21st, however the next Offer dates would be September 25th - 30th.
NOTE: Posts that "repeat on the (1st) (Monday) of each month" are not supported for Event and Offer posts. They ARE supported for What's New posts though.

For posts that have a daily interval set, the post will repeat at the same time as the original. Example: Today at 11am, tomorrow at 11am, the next day at 11am... until you cancel or the post expires.
For posts that have a weekly interval set, the post will repeat at the same time and same day of the week as the original. Example: This Friday, next Friday, the following Friday, etc.
For posts that have a monthly interval set, the post will repeat at the same time and same day of the month as the original. Example: May 12th, June 12th, July 12th, etc.
For posts set to repeat yearly, the post will repeat on the same exact day as the previous year. Example: Jan 15th 2022, Jan 15th 2023, Jan 15th 2024, etc.
Important info for repeating Event or Offer GMB Posts
For repeating "Event" or "Offer" Google My Business posts, the dates of the repeat Event or Offer instances will occur at the repeat interval you choose.

For example, let's say you post an Event post on June 1st, but the Event dates are June 10th - 11th, and the post is set to repeat weekly.
In this scenario, the next time the post will publish will be on June 8th, however the next Event dates would be June 17th - 18th.
Another example, let's say you post an Offer post on August 21st, but the Offer dates are August 25th - 30th, and the post is set to repeat monthly.
In this scenario, the next time the post will publish will be on September 21st, however the next Offer dates would be September 25th - 30th.
NOTE: Posts that "repeat on the (1st) (Monday) of each month" are not supported for Event and Offer posts. They ARE supported for What's New posts though.

Updated on: 06/10/2022
Thank you!