Using website listed on GMB for CTA button

When creating a GMB post, if you check the "Use GMB website as the CTA button for each specific location" box, it will input the website of each specific selected GMB location into the CTA button field.
For example, lets say you have 2 different GMBs:
"Mike's Restaurant" whose website listed on their GMB is ""
"Jim's Restaurant" whose website listed on their GMB is ""
If you are posting to both of those GMB locations at the same time and check the "Use GMB website as the CTA button for each specific location" box, it will...
input "" into the CTA button for the "Mike's Restaurant" post, and it will
input "" into the CTA button for the "Jim's Restaurant" post.
If you want to edit or change the URL that is inputted into the CTA button when checking this box, you can do so from the Accounts page:

This way, you can change the specific landing page (if, for example, you wanted the CTA button to link to "") or if you wanted it to link to a different website altogether.
NOTE: If you had connected your GMB locations to OneUp prior to July 14th 2022, you can click "Refresh Connection" on your GMB location and it will automatically import the website from your GMB listing:

Alternatively, you can manually assign a website for each GMB location here:

What website does OneUp import?

Updated on: 07/18/2022
Thank you!