Articles on: Using OneUp

Failed Post Help

Scroll down or use Command/Control + f to find your failed post error message, and how to fix the problem

NOTE FOR REPEATING POSTS: If you have a repeating post and it fails to publish, then you will need to address the failure reason, then reschedule the post. Once the failed post is rescheduled and publishes, the future instances of the repeating post will occur. If you do not reschedule the failed post, the future instances of the repeating post will NOT occur.

Google Business Profile posts

Some error occured.

This was a temporary issue. However, your post still published successfully to Google and no action is needed (unless it was a repeating post).

NOTE: If your post was a repeating post, you will need to reschedule the failed post for the repeat instances to occur.

Requested entity was not found.

This means that the GMB location was not found.

In many cases, the person who originally connected these Google Business Profile locations to OneUp may have been removed from the Google Business Profile.
If that is the case, you will need to go to the Accounts page of OneUp and connect the Google Business Profile locations again, and then remove the old duplicate Google Business Profile locations.

Other times, it is a duplicate listing that is not verified. Try connecting the other GBP location with the same exact name (or check if it's already connected), and then try your post to that GMB location instead.

Request contains an invalid argument

This error is either because:

1) You have more than the maximum 1500 characters allowed in a Google My Business post.

2) Your image is too portrait-oriented (tall and skinny), such as this image. Try to keep images as close to a 4:3 aspect ratio as possible (for example, 800x600 pixels)

3) You are using a GIF. GIFs are not allowed on GMB.

4) You will also get this error if you put anything other than a link in the Call-To-Action button section (I.e. putting non-link text in the CTA button link section)

5) You have used a Webp image, which GMB does not support. Try again with a PNG or JPG instead.
You can convert Webp images to PNG or JPG with this free tool:

Creating/Updating a local post is not authorized for this location.

Make sure that your Google My Business location has been verified. We have seen some cases where businesses have duplicate listings of the same location, and accidentally connect the wrong one to OneUp. If you have duplicate listings, make sure the correct one is connected.

Some industries such as Tobacco and Hotels are not allowed by Google My Business to publish posts.

This error means your Google My Business account needs to be reconnected. On the Accounts page of OneUp, click the "Refresh Connection" button next to the GMB account (must be on a computer, not a phone). This will not affect any of your posts.

If you had previously connected your Google My Business account(s) to another OneUp account, that could also be the reason for getting this error. Reach out to support if you need to have the Google My Business account(s) removed from a previously created OneUp account.

Internal error encountered.

This is a temporary error from GMB's end. Try rescheduling your post after some time.

In some cases, your post might have actually published as well. We recommend checking the Published folder in your OneUp.

refresh token must be passed in or set as part of setAccessToken

If you get this error, try removing this location from OneUp, then connecting it again.

LinkedIn posts

Some error occured. Please try after some time.

This is caused by a temporary issue on LinkedIn's end, but in most cases, your post actually DID publish successfully to LinkedIn.

Internal Server Error

This is a temporary error from LinkedIn's API. Please try your post again.

The token used in the request has expired

To fix, go to the Accounts page of OneUp and click the "Refresh Connection" button next to your LinkedIn account.

After, you can reschedule your failed post and it should publish fine.

The input string format is invalid

This is caused by a temporary issue on LinkedIn's end. You can reschedule your post and it should publish fine.

copy(): Filename cannot be empty

There was a temporary issue, but it has been fixed. You can reschedule your post and it should publish fine now.

Client error: POST resulted in a 401 Unauthorized response: {"serviceErrorCode":65602,"message":"The token used in the request has expired","status":401}

To fix, go to the Accounts page of OneUp and click the "Refresh Connection" button next to your LinkedIn account.

After, you can reschedule your failed post and it should publish fine.

We were not able to fetch this image. Please try again.

We were not able to fetch this video. Please try again.

This error normally means that your image or video in invalid. If you are uploading posts via bulk uploading a CSV, please make sure that your image URLs are in the second column of the CSV (or you can leave the second column empty).

This error can also mean LinkedIn's servers were facing a temporary issue fetching your image. If your image is valid (showing correctly in OneUp), you can reschedule your post and it should publish successfully.

Some error occured. Please refresh this account on the Accounts page, and then reschedule the post.

To fix this, go to the Accounts page and click the "Refresh Connection" button next to your LinkedIn account (must be on a computer, not a phone). This will not affect any of your posts.
After, try rescheduling the post.

If you did not change your password, this can occur when multiple people login to the same LinkedIn account from different locations and different devices. LinkedIn views this as suspicious activity, and invalidates the access token, meaning the connection needs to be refreshed in OneUp.

Client error: POST resulted in a 401 Unauthorized response: {"serviceErrorCode":65602,"message":"The token used in the request has expired","status":401}

To fix this, go to the Accounts page on OneUp and click the "Refresh Connection" button next to your LinkedIn account (must be on a computer, not a phone). This will not affect any scheduled posts.

If you had previously connected your LinkedIn account(s) to another OneUp account, that could also be the reason for getting this error. Reach out to support if you need to have the LinkedIn account(s) removed from a previously created OneUp account.

Client error: POST resulted in a 400 Bad Request response: {"message":"com.linkedin.publishing.util.common.ResponseException: ShareCommentary text length (1918 characters) exceede (truncated...)

This error means your post exceeded LinkedIn's of 1300 characters.

Client error: POST resulted in a 400 Bad Request response:

{"errorDetailType":"com.linkedin.common.error.BadRequest","message":"com.linkedin.content.common.exception.BadRequestRes (truncated...

This was a temporary error that has been fixed. You can create your post as a completely new post (rather than rescheduling the failed post) and it will publish successfully.

Client error: POST resulted in a 422 Unprocessable Entity response:

{"message":"ERROR :: /specificContent/com.linkedin.ugc.ShareContent/shareCommentary/attributes/0/start :: false cannot b (truncated...)

This is caused by a temporary issue from LinkedIn's end.

You can reschedule the failed posts and it should publish fine.

Server error: POST resulted in a 500 Server Error response:

{"message":"Internal Server Error","status":500}

1/31/23 UPDATE: LinkedIn is having some major issues on their end today (including company page Admins being removed from the page), which caused posts from OneUp to fail. Try rescheduling your posts in a while once LinkedIn has fixed the issues.

This is caused by a temporary issue from LinkedIn's end.

You can reschedule the failed posts and it should publish fine.

TikTok posts

Please review our URL ownership verification rules at

1/23/24 UPDATE: There was a temporary issue with TikTok posts, but it has been fixed. You can reschedule your failed post and it will publish fine this time.

The request post info is empty or incorrect.

This can happen if you are on the Free Plan and the "Posted by OneUp" takes your post's caption over 150 characters (which is TikTok API's limit).

We will be adding a fix for this, but in the meantime, try your post again with 132 or fewer characters, and it should publish fine.

Twitter/X posts

You currently have access to a subset of Twitter API v2 endpoints and limited v1.1 endpoints (e.g. media post, oauth) only. If you need access to this endpoint, you may need a different access level. You can learn more here:

Twitter's API had a temporary issue, but it is now fixed. You can reschedule your failed post and it will publish fine.

Error file_put_contents(): Only 0 of 141116 bytes written, possibly out of free disk space

Twitter's API had a temporary issue, but it is now fixed. You can reschedule your failed post and it will publish fine.

Service Unavailable

This is a temporary error returned from Twitter's end. You can reschedule your post and it should publish fine.
Here is what Twitter mentions about this error:

One or more parameters to your request was invalid.

This usually means that your post was over Twitter's 280 character limit.

Tweet needs to be a bit shorter

Make sure you are under Twitter's 280 character limit.

Not valid video

This means your video is longer than Twitter's video length limit of 2:20, or it was an invalid video format.

User is over daily status update limit

This happens when you post too often, and Twitter stops your posts. It's a way that Twitter controls spam.

Invalid or expired token

This either means either:
Your image was too large. Images posted through Twitter's API cannot be larger than 5 MB.
You need to refresh the connection of your Twitter account on the Accounts page of OneUp. This will not affect any scheduled posts.

If you had previously connected your Twitter account(s) to another OneUp account, that could also be the reason for getting this error. Reach out to support if you need to have the Twitter account(s) removed from a previously created OneUp account.

Unsupported video format

This error message means your video did not meet Twitter's video requirements:

Minimum resolution: 32 x 32
Maximum resolution: 1920 x 1200 (and 1200 x 1900)
Aspect ratios: 1:2.39 - 2.39:1 range (inclusive)
Maximum frame rate: 40 fps
Maximum bitrate: 25 Mbps

Pinterest posts

Invalid request body

This means that there is something in your Pinterest post's caption that is causing it to get blocked by Pinterest. Try changing your caption.

If you have a quotation mark (") in your pin's caption, that is most likely causing it. Try removing the quotation mark and your post should publish fine.

Instagram posts

(#2) Service temporarily unavailable

SEPTEMBER 11, 2024 UPDATE: Instagram's API is experiencing issues with carousel posts right now:

We are monitoring the situation and awaiting the Meta team to announce a fix.

The media could not be fetched from this uri:

July 2, 2024 UPDATE: There was a temporary issue that caused some Instagram posts with large images to fail, but it has been fixed.
You can reschedule the failed post and it will publish successfully.

Media ID is not available


This video couldn't be processed by Instagram. Please try later.

May 7, 2024 UPDATE: Instagram had a temporary issue with their API, but they have now fixed it. You can now reschedule your failed post and it should publish successfully.

Update from Meta:

Only photo or video can be accepted as media type.

This error usually means that your image was above Instagram's size limit of 8MB. Try compressing your image here and then try publishing again.

Error: Media upload has failed with error code 2207026

Instagram's API had a temporary issue that is now fixed. You can schedule your post as a completely new post (rather than rescheduling the failed post), and it will now publish fine.

(#200) This endpoint is deprecated since the required permission publish_actions is deprecated

If you are getting this error, please contact us on the chat and we will get this fixed for you 😊

Invalid appsecret_proof provided in the API argument

This means the Instagram account needs to be removed, and then reconnected. After doing so, Instagram posts will publish correctly.

The video file you selected is in a format that we don't support.


This is normally a temporary issue from Instagram's API. You can reschedule your failed post and it should publish.

Other issues could be if your video's aspect ratio is not within Instagram's requirements:
Minimum aspect ratio [cols / rows]: 4 / 5
Maximum aspect ratio [cols / rows]: 16 / 9

If you need to resize your video, you can do so with tools such as Clideo

If you are getting a "Fatal" error message and your video meets all the guidelines above, it can also mean that Instagram's anti-spam mechanism is stimulated. Instagram has not provided information on exactly what causes it and how you can prevent it (there are no further details given along with the error message). Instagram purposely does not share the specifics to stop people from trying to bypass or play around with their framework. Our suggestion is to modify the post – change the copy/text, change the picture (if attached), etc., and try to publish again.

(#10) The user is not an Instagram Business

This publishing error can happen when try to post an Instagram Story to a Creator Account. Publishing Stories on a Creator Account is ONLY supported via Instagram's API if you choose this connection option:

Alternatively you can switch your Instagram account to a Business Account and then your Stories will post directly.

User is performing too many actions

Application request limit reached

These usually mean you are posting too often on Instagram. Instagram limits accounts to no more than 25 post via direct publishing in a 24-hour period.

If you are posting less then that, this error can also occur when you have a link in your Instagram post that Instagram/Facebook have blocked.
If you are using a URL that redirects to another URL, this can be the cause of it. Instead, just use the final destination URL in your post.

The use cannot be tagged on this media

This error comes from Instagram's end, and normally means the account you are trying to tag as a Collaborator is either private, age-restricted, or the account is less than 30 days old.

Due to API limitation from Instagram, private or age restricted accounts are not eligible as collaborators.

(#10) Application does not have permission for this action

This usually means you did not grant OneUp the proper permissions for publishing first comments on your Instagram posts.

You can go to the Accounts page of OneUp and click the "Refresh Connection" text next to your Instagram account. After, click "Edit Settings" and make sure all permissions are granted to OneUp.

After, your posts should successfully publish with the first comment.

You may also get this error if the personal Facebook profile used to connect your Instagram account is not an Admin of the Facebook Page that your Instagram account is linked to. Please make sure you are an Admin of the Facebook Page your Instagram account is linked to, and then try connecting again.

This API call does not support the requested response format

This usually means that your First Comment on your Instagram post is being seen as spam by the Instagram's automated systems.

To avoid this error, make sure you do not give repetitive First Comments:

- Avoid replying in the same manner to multiple comments, Instagram will red flag it as spam
- be creative with your comments: add more words, rephrase, say it differently each time
- Avoid using short replies or using emoticons or smileys as your only response

In some cases, this error can also mean that you have more than 30 hashtags in your Instagram first comment.

Unsupported post request. Object with ID 'XXXXXXXXXX' does not exist, cannot be loaded due to missing permissions, or does not support this operation. Please read the Graph API documentation at

This means that your Instagram account is no longer connected to a Facebook Page.

To fix, access your Facebook account, navigate to your Facebook Page and click 'Settings' from the left-hand menu on your screen.
Select 'Instagram', then add an Instagram account by clicking 'Connect Account'.

User access is restricted

The error is triggered by a security checkpoint from Instagram's end.
To fix, log in to Instagram FROM A COMPUTER and complete the verification.

After verifying, you can reschedule your failed post.

IMPORTANT NOTE - the error cannot be resolved by logging into the mobile app on a phone or other device!

Invalid Parameter

If you get an Invalid parameter error message on an Instagram post, it usually means you have to reestablish your authorizations for your Instagram account connection by following these steps.

It could also be if you have more than 30 hashtags in your Instagram post.

An unexpected error has occurred. Please retry your request later.

DEC 8, 2023 UPDATE: Instagram's API was experiencing some issues on their end with posting Reels, but they seem to have fixed it.
You can reschedule your failed post, and it should publish fine this time.

You can check here for updates:

An unknown error occurred

This error message means a temporary issue from Instagram's end happened. You can reschedule the failed post and it should publish.

Facebook posts

(#200) Permissions error

You need to re-authorize your Facebook permissions.

You can do so by following the steps here:

If you are posting to a Facebook Group, please make sure that have added the OneUp app to your Facebook Group, and that your personal Facebook profile is an Admin of the Group (even if you are posting to the Group as your Facebook Page).

If you are trying to post to a Facebook Group as a Facebook Page, please make sure that BOTH your personal profile AND your Facebook Page are Admins of the Facebook Group. Here is a guide for how to add your Page as an Admin of your Group.

Also, sometimes you can get this error if Facebook is blocking your post's caption (they don't state why some captions are blocked). Try using a completely different caption for your post.

Operation timed out after 60001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received

This error happens when a video is too large for Facebook's API to fully process, but in many cases the video will still publish to Facebook successfully (a bug of some sort from FB'e end).

Please check your Facebook Page to see if the video posted successfully.

(#200) Subject does not have permission to post videos on this target

If you are posting to a Facebook Group, please make sure that have added the OneUp app to your Facebook Group, and that your personal Facebook profile is an Admin of the Group (even if you are posting to the Group as your Facebook Page). Here is a guide for how to add your Page as an Admin of your Group

Authentication Failed

You must click the "Refresh Connection" button next to the Facebook account on the Accounts page of OneUp (must be on a computer, not a phone). This will not remove any scheduled posts.

If you have multiple Facebook pages or groups, you only need to click the "Refresh Connection" button on one of them (assuming they are all connected to the same personal Facebook profile), and it will refresh the connection for all pages and groups.

Error Validating Access Token: The session has been invalidated because the user changed their password or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons

Error validating access token: The user has not authorized application

You must click the "Refresh Connection" button next to the Facebook account on the Accounts page of OneUp (must be on a computer, not a phone). This will not remove any scheduled posts.

If you did not change your password, this can occur when the login information to the personal Facebook profile that manages your page(s) and/or group(s) is shared among multiple people and multiple devices. Facebook views this as suspicious activity, and invalidates the access token, meaning the connection needs to be refreshed in OneUp.

If you have multiple Facebook pages or groups, you only need to click the "Refresh Connection" button on one of them (assuming they are all connected to the same personal Facebook profile), and it will refresh the connection for all pages and groups.

If you had previously connected your Facebook page(s) to another OneUp account, that could also be the reason for getting this error. Reach out to support if you need to have the Facebook pages removed from a previously created OneUp account.

Any of the pages_read_engagement, pages_manage_metadata,

pages_read_user_content, pages_manage_ads, pages_show_list or
pages_messaging permission(s) must be granted before impersonating a
user's page.

This usually means you need to re-authorize your Facebook permissions.
You can do so by following the steps here:

(#120) Invalid album id

Make sure that your personal Facebook Profile is an Admin (and not Moderator) of the Group you are trying to post to. If you are trying to post to a Group as a Page, make sure that the Page is also an Admin of the Group.

This error can also happen when OneUp is not granted all the needed permissions.

You can follow these steps to re-grant the permissions:

(#200) Requires either publish_actions permission, or manage_pages and publish_pages as an admin with sufficient administrative permission

(#200) Insufficient permission to post to group

If you get this error, you must first add OneUp to your Facebook Group's apps.
Follow the steps here: How to post to Facebook Groups using OneUp

If you still get this error after, you need to re-authorize your Facebook permissions.
You can do so by following the steps here:

(#200) If posting to a group, requires app being installed in the group, and \ either publish_to_groups permission with user token, or both manage_pages \ and publish_pages permission with page token; If posting to a page, \ requires both manage_pages and publish_pages as an admin with \ sufficient administrative permission

You must be the Admin of the Page or Group you are posting to. Change page role to Admin and click the "Refresh Connection" text next to your account on the Accounts page of OneUp (must be on a computer, not a phone).

Facebook does not allow scheduling tools to post to Groups that you are not the Admin of.

(#200) User does not have sufficient administrative permission for this action on this page. If the page business requires Two Factor Authentication, the user also needs to enable Two Factor Authentication.

This usually means that the personal Facebook profile used to connect your Facebook Page is not an Admin of the Page. Please make sure you are an Admin of the Page, and then try connecting again.

Please refresh this account on the Accounts page.

On the Accounts page of OneUp, click the "Refresh Connection" button next to the Facebook account (must be on a computer, not a phone). This will not affect any of your posts.

If you have multiple Facebook Pages and Groups connected, you only need to click "Refresh Connection" on one Facebook Page (as long as they are all connected to the same personal Facebook profile) and it will refresh the connection for all connected Facebook Pages and Groups.

Invalid parameter

July 2, 2024 UPDATE: There was a temporary issue that caused some FB posts with large images to fail, but it has been fixed.
You can reschedule the failed post and it will publish successfully.

(#100) url should represent a valid URL

These errors normally occurs when you try to import a private photo via CSV upload or Chrome Extension.
Images imported via CSV or Chrome Extension have to be publicly accessible, and not in a private file such as Google Drive or Google Photos.

You cannot upload videos (MP4 files) via CSV upload. They can only be published via the single post scheduler.

If you uploaded posts via a CSV, you may get this error if you did not put a correct image URL in column 2 of your CSV. Here is more info on how your CSV should be formatted.

Instagram posts

If you get an Invalid parameter error message on an Instagram post, it usually means you have to reestablish your authorizations for your Instagram account connection by following these steps.

It could also be if you have more than 30 hashtags in your Instagram post.

Please reduce the amount of data you're asking for, then retry your request

This is a known Facebook API bug, that affects many parts of their API (see the bug reports below). They have stated that the cause is their servers run out of memory.

We have found that sometimes the post is published successfully, even though OneUp shows the post failed.

If the post did not actually get published, you can try rescheduling your post. If it still doesn't work, wait a few hours and try again.

Your message couldn't be sent because it includes content that other people on Facebook have reported as abusive.

This message comes directly from Facebook, and means that Facebook has blocked this URL.

If you are using a URL that redirects to another URL, this can be the cause of it. Instead, just use the final destination URL in your post.

Permissions error

This means that you chose to post to your Facebook Group as a Page, but that Page is not an Admin on the Facebook Group.
Make sure that your Facebook Page is an Admin of your Group before posting as a Page to a Group.

An unknown error occurred

This error message means a temporary issue from Facebook's end happened. You can reschedule the failed post and it should publish.

Unsupported request - method type: post

This error message means a temporary issue from Facebook's end happened. You can reschedule the failed post and it should publish.

Sometimes when this error happens, the post actually does get published on Facebook, but without the image. So make sure to check before rescheduling the failed post.

Connection timed out after 10001 milliseconds

This is a temporary issue from Facebook's end. You can reschedule the failed post and it should publish fine.

(#200) New Pages Experience Is Not Supported: This endpoint is not supported in the new Pages experience.

This error occurs when you try to publish a video or GIF post to a Facebook Group as a Page (if the Page is on the New Pages Experience).
This is a bug from Facebook's end. If you try your video or GIF post to your Facebook Group as a personal profile (rather than as a Page), it should publish successfully.

YouTube posts

The request cannot be completed because you have exceeded your \u003ca href=\"/youtube/v3/getting-started#quota\"\u003equota\u003c/a\u003e.", "domain": "youtube.quota", "reason": "quotaExceeded"

This is a temporary issue from YouTube API's end. You can reschedule the failed post and it should publish fine


Chart metadata object chart image content type is invalid

This normally means that you have used a Webp image, which Stocktwits does not support. Try again with a PNG or JPG instead.
You can convert Webp images to PNG or JPG with this free tool:


The same post cannot be repeated more than 100 times.

If you repeat the same post more than 100 times, it will end up in the failed post section. This is to prevent your accounts from being flagged as spamming by the social networks.

You have exceeded the maximum number of daily published posts for this account. Please slow down.

Social networks will sometimes block accounts due to the frequency of posting, or the duplication of content, and we want to avoid that as much as possible. We've built great relationships with the social networks that we integrate with, and in order to keep OneUp and our users in good standing, we err on the side of caution when it comes to posting limits. We want to promote an environment of authentic sharing, and avoid spamming as much as we can.

Here are the posting limits for each individual social account:

Social accountPosts per 24 hours

Please note, these limits are per 24 hour period, rather than per calendar day.

Updated on: 10/21/2024

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