RSS feed help
Looking to auto-post FROM one social media account TO another social media account?
Take a look here.
How to post automatically using RSS feeds
First, go to Auto-post from RSS feeds in the Schedule Post dropdown

Click "Add new feed", then enter in your RSS feed URL here. If you are having issues with your RSS feed URL, check here.
NOTE: If you are trying to auto-post from one social network to another, please follow the instructions here

Choose your publishing options, and which account(s) you want to post to.
Next, choose whether you want it to publish just the most recent post from this feed, or whether you want it to queue up all posts now (up to the max) from this feed.
The maximum number of past posts OneUp can queue up is 10.

No matter which option you select, OneUp will automatically check this feed for new posts once every 20 minutes for RSS feeds, and once every 6 hours if you are auto-posting from a Facebook Page. If OneUp finds a new post in the feed during each check, it will be published.
Last, choose your preferred interval between posts if multiple posts are found during the same feed check:

This is where you set how many minutes between posts you prefer if two or more posts come into the queue at once.
Note: This is NOT how often OneUp will check for new posts. OneUp checks feeds for new posts once every 20 minutes for RSS feeds, and once every 6 hours if you are auto-posting from a Facebook Page.
For example, if you choose Queue up all posts now (up to the max) and it schedules the 10 most recent posts from your RSS feed, then this is the number of minutes between each of those 10 posts.
If you want those 10 posts scheduled to post one per hour, you can choose 60 minutes.
If you want those 10 posts scheduled to post one per day, then choose 1440 minutes.
Moving forward, the interval between posts is also what will be used if there are multiple posts found in the feed during the same fetch.
For example, lets say you have an RSS feed already hooked up to OneUp, with an interval between posts of 30 minutes set.
If this RSS feed recently had 2 new posts added, when OneUp fetches those posts, it will publish the 1st post immediately and schedule the 2nd post for 30 minutes later.
How are RSS feeds counted?
Each unique RSS feed counts as 1 RSS feed. If you have the same RSS feed connected to multiple social accounts, that still only counts as 1 RSS feed toward your limit. You can upgrade your plan to increase your RSS feed limit.
It's saying I have exceeded my RSS feed limit, but I dont think I have?
If you add the same RSS feed URL to multiple accounts at the same time, it will only count as 1 RSS feed toward your limit.
However, if you add the same RSS feed URL NOT all at the same time (i.e. adding a feed to one account, then repeating the process with the exact same feed URL to another account), it counts each one as an additional RSS feed toward your overall limit.
In this case, you can delete the feed from all existing accounts, then add it again, selecting all accounts (including the new one) you want to post to.
Why don't I see any scheduled or published posts from my RSS feed?
If you aren't seeing any posts from your RSS feed, take a look here.
What text will get published from each item in my feed?
You can choose to have OneUp publish what is in the Title tag, or the Description tag, or both!
My RSS feed posts are not publishing with an image. How do I get it to publish with an image?
Here is the guide for if your RSS feed is not posting with an image
Will posts from RSS feeds go into Timeslots if I have created Timeslots for that account?
Unfortunately posts from RSS feeds are not integrated with Timeslots, so RSS posts will not go into the Timeslots.
Updated on: 07/21/2023
Thank you!